Thursday 7 May 2015

How to effectively use Intraday Trading tips in India

How to effectively use Intraday Trading tips in India

Intraday Trading or Day Trading in Indian share Market is a big time hobby for different type of people. Various Doctors, Software professionals, Public and Private sector employees and many more trades in Indian stock markets, commodity markets and now also in forex markets. The fast changing prices attracts everyone to make quick money on daily basis. Few of the people has already made this as their full time profession after retirement. Young professional carries intraday trading as a part time business with specified allocation of capital.
While entering the intraday trading, it is important to closely watch market and analyse the trends. Several people follow intraday trading tips, given by their brokers through SMS or flash on trading screen. Several Technical analysts have also started their small time desk and caters to limited clients with their trade calls.
For a Trader, it is important to select the research analyst carefully and follow these tips with a discipline for getting a good returns on the invested capital and receive a payout in their account.
Let us first discuss few pointers on selection of intraday tips provider.

1. Check profile of the Research provider carefully. Now it is mandatory to be registered with SEBI for providing such calls. Apart from this it is always preferable to check for Qualification and Experience in financial markets. Do not go for unregistered mushrooming tips provider as it may be a big hazard for your capital.

2. If your Broker provides research, then it is better to check the accuracy for past calls. Mostly brokers prepares the track record for their calls which will not only give you a snapshot of their performance but also makes you define your way of working with future tips. Do not believe if the track record is extraordinary great….apply your mind.

3. Compare atleast 2-3 research providers and do not pay extra brokerage to your broker. It is always better to pay separately for research as it will have a responsibility attached. Also you will have a chance to try other research providers without changing your broking account.
Generally, I have come across people who shows a great track record of their calls but their clients ledger in losses. The client says that all calls hits the target however whenever we trade on any call, it hits the stoploss. I have also come across few of the funny suggestion where service providers ask their client to trade on each call that they give to get best results, which is neither possible with limited margin, nor feasible. So once you have selected a research analyst who is thorough in his subject, then you as a trader should know how to make use of his research.

Now let us discuss on few techniques that you may use for effective usage such Intraday calls

1. Analyse his call performance and identify his area of excellence. It may be a period or a industry or a particular scrip. Such area of excellence will let you know the Key Result Area of service provider. Trade only on that. Example of such area of excellence could be Nifty 50 stocks only, banking stocks only, penny stocks, intraday calls, weekly calls, etc.

2. Analyse performance only after considering brokerages, taxes and impact cost for trade. For lesser
liquid contracts, normally the impact cost will be high.

3. Limit your margin or exposure value to a particular figure. Take position in terms of value and not in terms of number of shares. And your exposure value should be (approx.) same for each call.

4. Trade only if your No. of call in profits is above 70% and Target to stoploss ratio is 1:3. Most of the service provider maintains 1:2 ratio for their convenience or amplify their performance however with impact cost and other cost of trade,  your actual losses are bigger and actual profits are smaller.

5. Maintain the discipline even if you are making profits or making losses. Before entering a trading, one should specify the total losses for exit (normally I have seen trader to keep it as 10%-20% ) of their invested capital. So if they have made or lost more than that, it is a time to take a break from intraday trading.

6. Manage your costs by trading through discount brokers. Also it will give you an option to make your choice of research analyst and you may get the lowest brokerage rates. Also see broker comparison

7. Online is better way to trade as it will have a better chance to capture a trade as and when a opportunity strikes. Now most of brokers also offer trading through mobile and tablet, so keep in touch with share market live.

8. Keep your egos and emotions aside. Don’t fight with market or service provider for maintain any position. If you like any particular scrip then invest for longer term and keep it out of intraday
trading. Manage your risk well and stick to your trade style.
A trader should understand that he is here to make returns on capital and not for gamble of life. A better logic will give a better understanding and stands a better chance of making money. So if you wish to be a day trader then be a smart trader.

Wednesday 6 May 2015

10 Desirable Qualities For Every Startup Leaders

10 Desirable Qualities For Every Startup Leaders

Every individual in this world has the potential and qualities to make it big in life. What makes the difference is the time and effort put in in finding and polishing those qualities.
Same is the case with enetrpenuers. Every person has the capability to become a successful businessmen. One just requires to brush up some knowledge and polish certain skills.
Read on.

Courage- True courage lies in taking risks. A successful leader is one who is not afraid of taking risks. Sometimes a situation might require you to take a road not taken. Don’t be afraid. Note down the pros and cons and take your decision accordingly.

Problem solving capability - Problems are a part of the process. Whenever we are doing something, certain situations/ problems are bound to arise. We might be lucky enough to for-see some of them, while in a certain other situations they might hit us by a surprise. Either case, a leader is the one who isn’t afraid of the problems and takes the responsibility to lead his/her team out of the situation. Problems only make them think better.

Passion - A true drive to do something is what matters the most in this industry. There are hundreds of people who enter the startup scene every month but in the end, only a few are able to survive. The survivors are the ones who are really passionate about the thing that they are doing and are not bogged down by certain hurdles.A man with a true passion can achieve whatever he/she wants in their life.

Guts - Business is an unstable terrain. What might be the situation today, might be exactly the opposite tom. A true businessman is the one who embraces this fact and still decides to take risks. Failure is the part of the process and the one who understands it, is the true leader.
Curiosity - There are a number of people in the world with plenty of knowledge and means, yet they aren’t all able to make it big. The difference here is “curiosity”. The one who is happy and content with his current situation and doesn’t want to explore newer terrains ends up getting stuck in a monotonous life and a person with a zeal and curiosity to explore the unexplored always has an advantage over such people. In short, curiosity is the mantra of success.

Execution - Having a good plan in place and executing it nicely are two different things. It’s easier to come up with ideas and plans but the true test lies in execution.Good Execution is a very imp quality in a successful entrepreneur. That’s the one thing which distinguishes him/her from others. A good plan can fail as a result of bad execution.

Focused - For the ones who are focused , half the battle is already won. A successful person is the one who knows what he’s aiming for and is working only towards it.A focused person rarely fails. He/she makes it a point to get up again and again and work harder the next time.

Humility - Whatever you may achieve in life, always remain humble to the people who have helped you get there. The time you start thinking that your success is a result of only your efforts and start having the i can’t do anything wrong attitude , you’re downfall will start sooner or later.

Determination - Your never say never attitude will make you go miles.Successful people don’t take no for answers. They have a special quality of changing nos into a yes. Once they determine to do something, they do everything in the world to make it happen.They can pull off an impossible situation and make it look extremely easy.

Expectations - Successful entrepreneurs know what’s feasible and what is not. They know where to draw the line.They have realistic goals and they put in their honest efforts to achieve them.

Tuesday 5 May 2015

Why drop-outs succeed in business

Our entire existence in this world hinges on survival. As we survive, we learn.
We pass on what we have learned, in the form of education.
Our education system is structured in a manner where we need to pass tests to prove our proficiency. Unfortunately, it is fairly simple to game the system. In a test all you need is for the examiner to believe that you have learnt.
Since we use examples to teach, we use examples to test. It is rather easy to learn up the examples and ace the test. You do not need to be a genius. (I am not saying that the same questions are used, but the same structures are used)
Coming from the background of having gamed tests, it is only obvious to seek to game the business as well. Take the best example that fits what you seek to do and solve the puzzle in much the same manner. We feel that if we are able to looking at sufficient examples, we would find a solution that fits. In the real world, this does not work.
When your maths teacher puts together the problems, he/she limits the number of variables that you need to deal with. The real world unfortunately has far more variables; some visible and some invisible. When one tries to study another business as an example they figure out the visible variables but for obvious reasons miss out the invisible variable.
This is what they mean when they say – “Don’t look at the success of another person; their story is different from yours”.
Customers seek value for their money. It is far and away the ONLY thing that the customer is seeking. That value may be delivered in the form of a better product, service, packing, feeling, etc. This is where the story of each startup differs from that of the other and gaming the system becomes extremely hard. It is the hardest test to pass.
A customer will not consistently put money in your hands unless he/she feels value delivery is actually taking place. The variables which lead to the perception of value are very complex to understand. Hence, it is dangerous to look at someone else’s success and use that as a template for your own.
There is no gaming the customer here. No examples. No shortcut. No optimum solution (which is part of the reason disruption occurs).
As Paul Graham puts it – The customer is like a shark, there is either meat or there isn’t.
The only gauge is to see, if the customer is happy after having paid for the product or service. That should be the only focus at the initial stages. Do people love using what my business offers? What do they love? What don’t they love? How to improve?
Drop-outs are usually not burdened with the baggage of learning how to ace the test. They respond to the movement of the market, they are more flexible and look to solve problems in their own way. They do not seek to do the things that others did to be successful, they just do their own thing. They do not know how to study examples, they only know how to respond to a given situation.
They trust their intuition, spend a lot of time understanding their customers and do the best that they can; which is the best way to run any business.

Monday 4 May 2015

7 Things to Remember When Negative Energy Surrounds You

7 Things to Remember When Negative Energy Surrounds You
Negativity can affect every area of your life. Identifying negative energy and thought patterns are an important part of challenging yourself and those around you to a more realistic viewpoint. It can improve your relationships and your overall outlook on life.
Keep these things in mind when you find yourself surrounded by negative energy and use them to help you move out of the negative space.

7 Things to Keep in Mind When Negative Energy Surrounds You:

Find the Source of the Negative Energy
Question your thoughts and the thoughts influencing you. Before you can take action to decrease the negativity that surrounds you, you must question the negative energy to find the source of it. Once you do that, you can begin to remove yourself from the emotion surrounding you.
Simply trying to eliminate negative energy doesn’t do much for the reason it’s present in the first place. If you don’t get to the heart of the matter it is likely to keep recurring, so keep questioning until you do.

Focus on Solutions
The next logical step in questioning and understanding the negative energy around you is to focus on how to eradicate it, and prevent it in the future.
Why focus on the solution?
The answer is simple: you end up receiving more of what you focus on. With that basic principle in mind, it makes sense to focus on the solution rather than the negative energy and problems associated with it.

Surround Yourself with Positive People
Every day we come in contact with a variety of different people. Some of these people make us happier, and others may have the opposite effect. Who we allow to influence us is up to us and choosing to spend more time with positive people will help prevent a buildup of negative energy around us.

Accept Possibility and Release Expectation
Happy people aren’t happy because bad things don’t happen to them, they are happy because they know how to handle the bad things better. Someone who is happy has similar challenges to those that are not happy. The difference is that they release expectation of what might happen, and focus to create their best possible situation – no matter whether it ends up good or bad.
Knowing that life could deal you some good cards and some bad ones, and releasing expectation makes it easier to work through situations because you are ready to accept whatever happens. The key is not dwell in situations where negative energy surrounds you and take action right away to move back into a positive space.

Show Yourself Compassion
No matter how bad things get, remember that the negative energy around you isn’t always about you. While you are responsible for the energy you create, the burden of negative energy of others shouldn’t be carried on your shoulders.
See the importance of this distinction, because if you can separate yourself from the negative energy of others, you can focus on getting to the heart of the matter logically, without allowing the emotion to latch onto you.

Sometimes when negative energy is coming at us from all directions, we have a hard time knowing what to do. It is so intense that it can paralyze us into inaction. Instead of tackling the big ball of negativity all at once, try doing one small thing. Just one.
Doing one thing will crack open a space in the negative energy for the positive to begin to shine. That little bit of positive will begin to build and your motivation to do more “things” will propel you to eliminating the harmful energy.

Accept It or Let It Go
With everything in our lives, whether positive or negative, we have two choices: to accept it or let it go. Accepting it means accepting the negative source to the point where you can begin to move through it. It doesn’t mean you are committed to allowing the negative energy to remain in and influence your life. Accepting it means handling the challenge and creating change.
When negative energy surrounds you, it’s obvious that change is needed. That doesn’t mean change will immediately occur or solve the problem. If the negativity persists you may see that it has become a toxic cycle that no longer serves you, and have to come to terms with letting it go.
In the end, you have to do what is right for you and your mental well-being and overall happiness. It isn’t easy to let go of things that used to matter. When they aren’t serving your highest good anymore and possibly even harming you, what choice do you have?
Become aware of the messages you are receiving throughout the day. Find the sources of negative messages and begin to eliminate them from your daily routine.  Learn to recognize the type of unhealthy thinking you are most likely to encounter. Start having an inner dialogue about how to handle these situations now, before you are in the moment. Knowing how you will handle the situation before it occurs, will help you when the time comes.

Sunday 3 May 2015


Entrepreneurs: driving forward the economies across the globe:
When we talk about entrepreneurs, the first thing that comes to our mind is; he or she is a person who is working hard, on his own, to achieve his or her goals. And, this is the most appropriate and basic definition of an entrepreneur. However, you might feel that it is bit of a selfish act, and those who choose to go the startup way, are only doing it for their own benefits. 
That’s somewhat true to a certain extent, but you have to understand that people work for personal gains, not for peanuts. So, it’s a very frivolous acquisition. Because, in the backdrop, if an entrepreneur successfully aids a venture or starts a business, there are many things which go unnoticed. Yes, in the background, they are actually helping the whole population in general, and furthermore, touching the lives of many, yours and mine too. Yes, they create a very positive social impact.
Some are unaware of it, but if you keep reading this piece, you will understand why entrepreneurs are godsends, at least for a country like India.

Entrepreneurs can help with the lack of job problems:
An entrepreneur is an innovator, in fact, creating things and putting in ideas over it; is his or her daily work. However, most innovations, to see light of the day, require manpower, numerous numbers of hands, and a team of hard working people. Now, this is where the social factor kicks in. That’s because an entrepreneur cannot be expected to do everything, especially if he or she wants to grow their venture. Hence, you get the gist; they can generate jobs in no time. 
For example; we all know the success story of Facebook and Flipkart, or even Uber cabs, they all started at a nascent level with only a few people and employees, but now they have huge intake levels. So, this platform, if replicated, can generate many more jobs and partially eradicate unemployment or under-employment in an economy. Hence, it is very wise to encourage entrepreneurship for the grander scheme of things. 

Entrepreneurs can drive the economy of a society: 
Thanks to the creating jobs factors; even various Governments polices in India indicate that they felicitate and encourage entrepreneurs with open arms. Also, banks and many financial institutes offer various schemes and deals for the benefit of startup plans. All of this is done, just to put the money where the mouth is. And, why should they not. These entrepreneurs can actually drive a society forward; hence people, these days, are actually relying on them to take development car’s driving seat. 

They give back to the society:
Another factor why people love entrepreneurs is because, once they are in a position to help, they always prefer to provide support to other nascent entrepreneurial projects at their start-up. They are always looking for ventures that they can involve themselves in, and hence they provide help, support, expertise, and more than valuable, feedback, when a fellow small business or an entrepreneur needs it. So, specifically, in turn, once again, they provide a vital support to the society. 

No entrepreneurs, then no innovation: 
Innovating and inventing things are the main reason why many people take the plunge into the whole entrepreneur ambition. And, because of this, we have gained so much in our daily lives. From, simple Wi-Fi based creativity to innovative life saving techniques; everything is innovated for the making almost every aspect of our world easy and convenient. 
So, we hope, after reading this article, you will start appreciating the work the entrepreneurs do. Yes, it is true that some do it in a hope to earn quick and mega bucks, however most just want to help people out with their artistic creativity. And, since, there are so many benefits in accommodating entrepreneurs, it in our best interests that we should always cherish their presence.

Sales Secret

In the startup journey one of the hardest and by far the most critical things is to get sales for the company.  Sales is what finally drives the engine and brings the income that is required to prove that the business being pursued, is worth being pursued.
When a startup embarks on sales, it is important to be focused on how they go about the process. They need to be able to describe their dream customers who would not have any hesitation in purchasing the product or service that they are looking to sell. Once this ideal customer is defined, it is very important to go ‘Narrow’ and ‘Deep’. Addressing a specific customer is easier than addressing a mass market with a wide variety of customers who have a variety of needs to be addressed.
The temptation at the beginning is to start selling the product or service to the entire market. There is no surer way of failing. I wrote a post about this earlier here.
A startup thrives on building relationships. Early customers of the company not only patronise the startup but also provide a great deal of feedback to improve the product to better meet customer requirements. These individuals also play the part of marketers on behalf of the startups. It is hence extremely important to cultivate a great relationship with these customers.
When you feel personally invested in something, you want to see it succeed. You want your customer to be in this position. This is precisely the reason you need a very specific customer with whom you can have one shared interest – your business.
Going narrow allows the startup to focus on the individuals who best suite the dream customer profile and makes sure that the conversion can be quickly achieved. Going deep allows for a lot of feedback to filter through as well as enables strong relationships which the business can depend on. Such customers would not abandon the startup to move to another (let us say a competitor) very easily.
All of this put together makes it possible to truly delight your customers.
Marketing is broad and shallow, it tries to address the mass. As a consequence it does not enable relationship building, which is very critical for a startup. Also, the cost of marketing tends to be much higher and the returns on the same much lower than selling directly to a specific customer.
Sales is about relationships and even if you are a larger entity, the relationships need to be nurtured and grown. A larger entity needs to look at sales like a long distance relationship. You might not be able to meet or spend as much time, as regularly. Nevertheless, you can always keep the channels of communication open and communicate regularly.
When engaging in sales, it is also very important to look at the product or service from the perspective of the customer who is being sold to.  Most often one of the biggest mistake that most entrepreneurs make is to try and enforce their perspective on the customer rather than, get around to seeing the customer’s perspective.
If you look at the image above; at first sight, it seems like the image is one, of an old man. But a closer look makes it clear that there are two different people, one old man and a woman. Similarly what your customer sees or what you see might not be the same. Hence it is important to look at the frame of reference of the other person in order to convince them. This is easy, again, if a narrow and deep approach is taken.
Fundamentally, sales is a reflection of how well you understand the customer you are targeting. By going after a narrow subset of customers, startups can ensure that they know their customers well. When you know your customer well, your ability to see their perspective deepens and you are well positioned to close the sale.

Saturday 2 May 2015

Personality Development

  1. Think positive thoughts, both about yourself and others in general.
  2. Never lose a chance to prove yourself.
  3. Look for famous people whose personality defined them.
  4. Look deep inside yourself and think about who you are.
  5. Help wherever and whenever you can. A little sacrifice can go along way in changing another person's day.
  6. Always be yourself. A little fabrication can hurt you personally and professionally
  7. Learn to love other people.
  8. Eye contact. When you look in the eyes and speak you come across as a person of conviction and it is easy for the listener to believe and trust you. Eye contact reflects integrity and honesty in you. And also shows that you are a self confident person.

5 Sacrifices Every Entrepreneur Must Make

5 Sacrifices Every Entrepreneur Must Make

Every entrepreneur starts out with big dreams and excitement. As an entrepreneur, you control your own destiny, and with the right ideas, the right skillset and unflinching dedication, you can build wealth or establish an enterprise to serve as your legacy.This is the bright side of entrepreneurship, but unfortunately, there’s also a darker side. The rigors of entrepreneurship demand sacrifices, and if you don’t make those sacrifices you’ll never be able to succeed. Business is, at its core, a give-and-take process. The more you invest, and the more you’re willing to part with, the more you’ll reap in rewards in kind.
These are the five sacrifices that every entrepreneur needs to make:
1. Stability
You’re starting a new venture, and there’s no guarantee you’re going to succeed. The foundation of your company, even if your idea and plans are solid, is rocky at best, and there’s no telling which direction your business is headed until you’re several months, or often much longer, into running things. If you haven’t already sacrificed a comfortable, well-paying, stable job to follow this route, odds are you’ll have to sacrifice some other kind of stability before you can move forward.Entrepreneurship is, by nature, an unstable path to follow. Don’t be surprised if you encounter multiple, unpredictable shifts in your fortune as your work progresses. It’s natural and part of the process. Eventually, if you work hard with a clear vision, things will stabilize.

2. Work/life split
When you become an entrepreneur, the lines between your working life and your personal life will blur. You’ll start thinking about business even when you’re away from the office, sometimes because you want to and sometimes because you can’t help it. You’ll also get calls and emails urgently needing your attention because you’re the boss and there’s nobody else to answer them.Your downtime will become “light” business time, but the flip side is that your time in the office will feel more like personal time because you’ll want to be there. Remember, it’s still important for you to balance your work priorities and your personal ones -- always make time for your family and your mental health -- but the firm split between personal and professional time is going to go away no matter how you try to handle it.

3. Income
This goes along with the stability sacrifice, but for the first few years of your business, you’re probably not going to be making much money. In most businesses, entrepreneurs and their families end up investing heaps of their own money to get the business going. If this is the case for you, you’ll be making even more of a sacrifice since your potential safety net will be gone.Since you’ll be deciding where the money goes, you can set your own salary, but many entrepreneurs don’t even take a salary during their first several months of operations, at least not until there’s a steady line of revenue backing them up. Be prepared for this. You’ll need a strong marketing plan to overcome barriers to entry and gain a share of the market in your industry.

4. Sleep
Sleep is vitally important, but no matter how hard you try to preserve healthy sleeping habits, you’re going to sacrifice some sleep in order to run your business. In some cases, you’ll be pulling all-nighters to get that last proposal together. In other cases, you’ll be getting up super early to make a meeting or get all your tasks in order. In still other cases, you’ll be lying awake at night, restless and wondering about the future of your company.Whatever the case may be, your sleeping habits are going to change when you become an entrepreneur, and you’ll have to make the best of them no matter how they end up.

5. Comfort
Being the boss of your own company means the buck stops with you. You’re going to have to wear dozens of hats, make decisions you’ve never made before and delve into subjects you’ve never before considered. Part of being an entrepreneur means stepping out of your comfort zone, often multiple times every day.The most successful entrepreneurs are the ones who approach uncomfortable situations with confidence and a degree of excitement. Learn to thrive in uncomfortable environments, and you’ll find yourself much more at peace with your job.Don’t think of these sacrifices as literal sacrifices. You’ll be giving something up, sure, but try to think of it as a type of investment. You’re giving up intangible luxuries in exchange for something better down the road. You’re paying for the opportunity to find success in your own enterprise, and your sacrifices will be rewarded many times over so long as you stay committed in your chosen path.
Remember, as an unidentified student of Warren G. Tracy said, “Entrepreneurship is living a few years of your life like most people won’t so you can spend the rest of your life like most people cant.”