Monday 21 September 2015


Success is development of power to get whatever one wants in life without interfering with the rights of others. In an age of tough competitions success can come through the use of such power only. Power is an organized energy or effort. It’s an ability to organize knowledge and the faculties of mind. We call it HUMAN SOFTWARE. Human mind can be compared with a computer, which cannot run a programme without software. The thinking process and the life experiences are what make our memory, which works like a human software.
Our experiences are not what happened to us but what we did with what happened to us. In other words our experiences are our responses to stimuli created by events of our life. Our responses to forthcoming events are based on past experiences in similar situations. Our thinking pattern plays the most crucial role in creating our memory and influencing our attitude. In fact, thinking creates memory and memory creates attitude which ultimately decides success or altitude of life. Thinking is the process of creating human memory. All that we are is the result of what have been thought so far. Every word we think is creating our life. Our very life is our thinking and the result of our thinking process. The secret of success lies not without but within the thoughts of man. Thoughts make weak men strong and strong men weak. Whatever all we do eating, wearing clothes, driving, playing, are preceded by thoughts. The very way we walk, the way we carry ourselves, our talk, our manner of dress, all reflect our way of thinking. What we exhibit outwardly, we are inwardly. We are the product of our own thought. Whatever we believe ourselves to be, we are.
Thoughts are the original source of all wealth, all successes, all material gains, all great discoveries and inventions and of all achievements. Our thoughts, those predominate, determine our character, our career, indeed our everyday life.
Thoughts are the guiding force behind all the actions. And our actions inadvertently lead us to success or failure. It is rightly said, “Thoughts make or break a man. It is also believed by great religious leaders that the universe is created by thought of universal mind. This universal mind is the super highway of information linking all the human minds together. That is why we react to thoughts of each other even when not physically in touch. They call it intuition or sixth sense. We are molded greatly by others through newspapers, movies, radio and some thoughts generated through casual encounters. We are constantly bombarded by varying degree of thoughts all the time. And some of them may tune with our inner voice and can lead to greater visions. You all might have heard a popular advertisement saying, “An IDEA can change your life.” The perception of some great scientists changed the course of humanity by channelizing common events into some great theories. The falling of an apple could be an easy availability of food but a powered brain of Newton took it as doors opening to great theories in Physics.
Mind is the source of all power and success is the product of creative thinking and firm belief in our ability to execute the ideas. Like attracts like is true when it comes to mental interactions. And we start getting help from our surroundings. Our mind sends silent signals that have magnetic influence. Positive frame of mind only invites desired results as thought creates after its kind and attracts upon which it is directed. For the thing which we greatly fear, that comes upon us. Our fear thoughts are just as creative and as magnetic in attracting troubles to us as are the constructive and positive thoughts in attracting positive results. Hence our thoughts should be directed on success and not on failure.
Visualization of positive outcome of our efforts gives a great power to our mind to succeed. This is a technique to deliberately foresee our success time and again in a relaxed state of mind. It activates creative power of subconscious mind and also focuses our mind towards our goal by programming its Reticular Activating System [RAS]. RAS is like RADAR for us which can send positive signals to others and can receive positive powers from others. In other words it magnetizes and attracts to us the people, resources and opportunities we need to achieve our goal. These people and resources might have existed earlier also but as our RAS was not activated we could not recognize them. If we keep visualizing happiness at destination point we will get strength and inspiration to face all odds of journey, rather we will enjoy our entire journey. Einstein says, “Imagination is everything. It is the purview of life’s coming attraction.” All discoveries and inventions have been preceded by imagination. The famous martial art champion and Hollywood film star, Bruce Lee, while struggling to establish himself as an actor in Hollywood, once wrote a letter to himself predicting that he would become superstar in coming ten years. He took this statement written by himself as a message from heaven, read it again and again every day and kept visualizing the glories and happiness attached with him as a superstar. This practice activated his RAS and being fully inspired he gave his best in acting to become a superstar in just two years with the release of his famous film ‘Enter the dragon’. Today in Olympics almost in every game players are advised and also trained to use this visualization technique. Visualization, in fact, keeps us focused towards our main goal and also keeps us fully inspired and confident to pursue it.
Visualization has a power to transform our desire into a will. And, desire is to obtain while will is a power to achieve. Therefore, we should navigate our mind with right thinking and through visualization technique we should reprogram our subconscious mind to power it up for spontaneous move towards our goal.

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