Sunday 22 February 2015


In financial world, everyone is an employee, every one, an employer too.
The employees are responsible to their employers and the employers are responsible to their customers, their investors.
An employer is a bigger employee than his employees.
Employees work for 8 or 10 hours, 6 or 5 days in a week.
Employers work for 365X7X24.
There are two types of poor.
One who has no money.
And the one who has no time.
So, you see, most of the rich are not rich in-fact.
The real pursuit of a businessman is to have a business without being busy.
The real businessman is the one, who is not a busy man.
The real rich is the one, who has money and time both, you see.
The real rich is the one, who has money and honey both, of-course.
You see!

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